My Kindle book sales this month (so far)

My Kindle book sales this month, up to today (16th February 2024) are surprisingly good. To date I have sold 20 books across 9 titles. I first published two Kindle books in 2014: one about employment law and one about buying a house in Ireland. I have also sold 5 audiobooks on All my… Continue reading My Kindle book sales this month (so far)

Here, I made this

“Here, I made this. You might find it useful”. This is the philosophy which has driven my online/digital marketing since I first started marketing online in 2009. That is still my philosophy today. Why should I change a winning formula? For example, today I have 843 followers on Spotify for my podcast, The Irish Law… Continue reading Here, I made this

Is your podcast or TikTok account best?

I published a video yesterday about the value of making a podcast for a small business owner, and I referred to my own podcast, The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, in the video. A commenter asked me which was better for me and my business, my podcast or my TikTok account where I currently… Continue reading Is your podcast or TikTok account best?

Not losing sight of the original purpose of my YouTube channel

It is easy for me to produce all sorts of video content for my YouTube channel. And I have now reached 27,000 subscribers on the channel having only recently reached 25,000. I am aware that much of the content I publish may have little or no benefit for my business, which is the whole purpose… Continue reading Not losing sight of the original purpose of my YouTube channel

My secret tactic for getting massive views 

I have had a hunch for some time that TikTok ‘reply videos’ are treated extremely well by TikTok in its algorithm. And nothing has happened to change my mind in that regard. In fact, my opinion has been strengthened by my increased us of ‘reply videos’ on TikTok in the last couple of weeks. The… Continue reading My secret tactic for getting massive views 

Audio only podcasts?

I am pleasantly surprised by how well my audio only podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, is doing on YouTube podcasts. When you think about it, however, you quickly realise that the type of video I make-the “talking head” type video-is ideal for audio only podcast episodes. It is not as if you… Continue reading Audio only podcasts?

Podcast growth one idea/observation/nugget at a time

I was in two minds a few weeks ago about having my podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, on YouTube as an audio only podcast. But it is working out well and I am getting satisfactory listening figures and new subscribers from YouTube. The podcast is growing tremendously on Spotify, too, as I… Continue reading Podcast growth one idea/observation/nugget at a time

My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

I am not sure why my YouTube channel has experienced such a spell of growth as it has in the last month or so. To put the growth in context, in December I was growing at a rate of 200-300 new subscribers every 28 days. In the last 28 days, however, I have gained 1,600… Continue reading My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)