Can a licence agreement circumvent the residential tenancies board?

I have had a few queries from small landlords about using a licence arrangement to circumvent the residential tenancies board’s involvement in the arrangement they have with their tenants/licensees. They have heard from others who give their tenants licence agreements rather than tenancy agreements and licence/rent out rooms to these occupants. The enquiry to me… Continue reading Can a licence agreement circumvent the residential tenancies board?

Why there’s nothing wrong with buying repossessed property

I have made and published a few videos on my YouTube channel about buying property at BidX1, and other online, auctions. A small number of people are critical of such purchases and such auctions because they involve repossessed properties in the main, with the sales being carried out by receivers on behalf of the lender… Continue reading Why there’s nothing wrong with buying repossessed property

Reviving my online courses

A guy enquired the other day about my shares/investing course which I had online a few years ago. I stopped selling my courses (investing, property, discipline procedure in the workplace) because the platform on which I hosted them, Teachable, was prohibitively expensive. But the enquiry I received this week on Instagram has prompted me to… Continue reading Reviving my online courses

The Enoch Burke comments online

It is difficult to know if certain Enoch Burke supporters publish the online comments they do in the full knowledge that they are wrong/mistaken but go ahead and make the comments anyway, for whatever reason. Or if they genuinely believe them and they are genuinely held views. For example, the comment that Enoch Burke will… Continue reading The Enoch Burke comments online

“I stand with Enoch”

“I stand with Enoch”. I have been reading that online on various social media sites for the last two years, or thereabouts. A few days ago I read online about a planned demonstration of support for Enoch Burke which was to take place yesterday outside Wilson’s Hospital School. This morning, I read there was approximately… Continue reading “I stand with Enoch”

Injuries Resolution Board mediation service

The Injuries Resolution Board now has a mediation service offering and I experienced it for the first time last week. The two options up to now if you had a personal injury claim was to accept the assessment by the Injuries Resolution Board and hope that the respondent also accepted it. If that happened an… Continue reading Injuries Resolution Board mediation service

Enduring power of attorney-are the misgivings overblown?

We have not made any effort, for a considerable period of time, to provide the service of helping people make an enduring power of attorney. However, I think we probably should and the misgivings, partly created by the Law Society of Ireland, in the legal profession may be overblown and overestimated. It is something I… Continue reading Enduring power of attorney-are the misgivings overblown?