An unforeseen benefit of writing a blog post every day

One of the unforeseen benefits of writing on this blog every day is the source material my observations make for videos. I had never seen the connection when I started out writing on this blog, with a goal to do so every day. I have managed that for quite some time now. But I never… Continue reading An unforeseen benefit of writing a blog post every day

Blogging is dead?

I saw a YouTube video yesterday entitled “Blogging is dead” or “Is blogging dead?” I must do a search for it today and take a look. But even if the thesis of the video is that blogging is dead from a marketing perspective, and that may well be the case, I will continue blogging for… Continue reading Blogging is dead?

Categorized as Blogging

An excellent benefit of having a blog (even if nobody reads it)

One of the benefits of having a blog, even if nobody reads it, is you can use it to assemble and store valuable links for your work or life. I was reading the Irish Times this morning on my iPad and came across a case that illustrates a point I am arguing in an employment… Continue reading An excellent benefit of having a blog (even if nobody reads it)

Writing a blog post every day for 12 months-how it has gone

I set myself the challenge of writing a blog post on this blog every day on the 31st January 2022. I have managed to do it, too, and today is 21st February 2023. And I will keep going, keep writing a blog post every day. Sometimes, however, I wonder could I get more from the… Continue reading Writing a blog post every day for 12 months-how it has gone

The dilemma of my daily writing habit

I wrote yesterday about the commitment I made in January 2022 to write and publish a blog post on this blog/site every day. I have managed to achieve that daily goal and have developed what I believe to be a tremendously valuable asset; an asset for me personally and my business. The mental health benefits… Continue reading The dilemma of my daily writing habit

The daily writing commitment I made in January 2022-how has it gone?

I have been writing on this blog every day since 31st January 2022. I made a promise to myself at that time and made a public commitment to write a blog post every day. I confess to taking some pride in having done so to date. For the most part it has been easy to… Continue reading The daily writing commitment I made in January 2022-how has it gone?