An unforeseen benefit of writing a blog post every day

One of the unforeseen benefits of writing on this blog every day is the source material my observations make for videos. I had never seen the connection when I started out writing on this blog, with a goal to do so every day. I have managed that for quite some time now. But I never… Continue reading An unforeseen benefit of writing a blog post every day

Getting greater benefit from writing every day

I made a commitment back in January or February to show up here every day and write something. I would write something no matter how short. But I would show up and write. And I have kept to that commitment. A brief perusal of what I have written will show you the good, bad, ugly,… Continue reading Getting greater benefit from writing every day

Reordering and prioritising my Pomodoro work sessions

I organise my working day in a regimented, structured fashion. It suits me and my personality. It also suits my profession. In the legal profession being able to manage yourself, your time, your files, calendar is an essential prerequisite. I use the Pomodoro technique to help me with my time allocation. This essentially means that… Continue reading Reordering and prioritising my Pomodoro work sessions

Does writing every day help you improve your writing?

The predictable advice to anyone seeking to improve their writing is to read and write with regularity. Reading is easy to do but writing every day, which is the recommendation to hone your craft, is much more difficult. There are two problems with this approach, I believe: having subject matter to write about each day… Continue reading Does writing every day help you improve your writing?