I reached 30,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel yesterday

I smashed through the 30,000 YouTube subscriber target yesterday. My video about the army private, Cathal Crotty, who was handed a fully suspended three-year sentence for beating a young woman unconscious generated over 500 new subscribers for me. Whether these subscribers are of any benefit to me or my channel is doubtful, to be frank.… Continue reading I reached 30,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel yesterday

Heading for 30,000 YouTube subscribers and doing it my way

I am heading for 30,000 YouTube subscribers to my YouTube channel. And one of the things that gives me great satisfaction about this milestone is that I have done it, to a large extent, my way. By this I mean the variety of subject matter I have covered on my channel to date does not… Continue reading Heading for 30,000 YouTube subscribers and doing it my way

The unforeseen benefit of blogging every day

I never thought when I started this blog and made a promise to myself that I would write something here every day that it would give rise to a series of videos which I publish on my YouTube channel. The reason I resolved to write something every day was simply to maintain my writing muscle.… Continue reading The unforeseen benefit of blogging every day

Google change the game and are blowing up search results with Gemini AI

I read a fascinating article in the Irish Times this morning about Google doing away with search results and links to sites in the United States. And replacing them with results from Google’s own AI tool, Gemini AI. The impact on the website traffic to sites dependent on advertising and ranking well in search has… Continue reading Google change the game and are blowing up search results with Gemini AI

I reached 50,000 followers on TikTok yesterday

I reached 50,000 followers on TikTok yesterday. Of all the social media platforms on which I maintain a presence TikTok has been the most explosive in terms of growth. In fact, I think it is the most recent social media site on which I opened an account. I have got quite a lot of business… Continue reading I reached 50,000 followers on TikTok yesterday

Book sales last month (and the quiet satisfaction)

I sold 30 books last month (April 2024). The breakdown was 20 Kindle/paperbacks and 10 audiobooks on Amazon’s Audible platform. It was just an average month with no sales promotions or advertising whatsoever. I must admit I get a good kick out consistent book sales, week in week out, for years now. I do not… Continue reading Book sales last month (and the quiet satisfaction)

Making ‘average’ but ‘sleeper’ videos 

I published two videos over the last 2 days on Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday. The first one was about a developer suing a planning objector for the return of €20,000 and damages in respect of a planning application of the developers. I knew before I published this video that it would perform well and… Continue reading Making ‘average’ but ‘sleeper’ videos