I reached 30,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel yesterday

I smashed through the 30,000 YouTube subscriber target yesterday. My video about the army private, Cathal Crotty, who was handed a fully suspended three-year sentence for beating a young woman unconscious generated over 500 new subscribers for me. Whether these subscribers are of any benefit to me or my channel is doubtful, to be frank.… Continue reading I reached 30,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel yesterday

Seeking support for my YouTube channel (still on the fence)

I have been thinking for a little while about setting up a “BuyMeACoffee” for my YouTube channel. This service is similar to the Patreon service to seek support for your YouTube channel, but I think the big difference-I may be wrong-is that the “BuyMeACoffee” system is entirely voluntary. In other words, whether you buy me… Continue reading Seeking support for my YouTube channel (still on the fence)

A surprising trend in YouTube viewing habits

Some top executive in YouTube has made a lot of noise recently about a surprising trend to do with YouTube. A surprisingly large, and increasing, number of people are watching YouTube videos on their televisions. Not on computers or smart phones or iPad devices but on their home tv. In fact, nearly half (45% of… Continue reading A surprising trend in YouTube viewing habits

Not losing sight of the original purpose of my YouTube channel

It is easy for me to produce all sorts of video content for my YouTube channel. And I have now reached 27,000 subscribers on the channel having only recently reached 25,000. I am aware that much of the content I publish may have little or no benefit for my business, which is the whole purpose… Continue reading Not losing sight of the original purpose of my YouTube channel

My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

I am not sure why my YouTube channel has experienced such a spell of growth as it has in the last month or so. To put the growth in context, in December I was growing at a rate of 200-300 new subscribers every 28 days. In the last 28 days, however, I have gained 1,600… Continue reading My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

Podcasts on YouTube

Did you know that YouTube have got into podcasting in the last year or two? And not just video podcasts, but regular audio podcasts. I submit the RSS feed from my podcast, “The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast”, from Spotify/Anchor to YouTube. The results have been pleasantly surprising. Because YouTube seems to be finding… Continue reading Podcasts on YouTube