Podcasts on YouTube

Did you know that YouTube have got into podcasting in the last year or two?

And not just video podcasts, but regular audio podcasts.

I submit the RSS feed from my podcast, “The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast”, from Spotify/Anchor to YouTube. The results have been pleasantly surprising.

Because YouTube seems to be finding me a whole new audience and I see new subscriber growth to my audio podcast on YouTube.

When you think about it, a video podcast, and videos generally, does not suit everyone.

There is a huge number of people who prefer to take their podcasts by audio only as it allows them to do a whole lot of other things at the same time-for example, exercise, walking the dog, driving in the car, working out at the gym etc.

When I first submitted the feed to YouTube to set up my podcast I thought it would cannibalise my existing videos and YouTube channel. But this does not seem to be the case at all and I am delighted with this new way of reaching an audience in 2024.

Here is the link to my podcast, “The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast” on YouTube. This is audio only.

If you want the video podcast, here is the link.