Heading for 30,000 YouTube subscribers and doing it my way

I am heading for 30,000 YouTube subscribers to my YouTube channel. And one of the things that gives me great satisfaction about this milestone is that I have done it, to a large extent, my way. By this I mean the variety of subject matter I have covered on my channel to date does not… Continue reading Heading for 30,000 YouTube subscribers and doing it my way

The unforeseen benefit of blogging every day

I never thought when I started this blog and made a promise to myself that I would write something here every day that it would give rise to a series of videos which I publish on my YouTube channel. The reason I resolved to write something every day was simply to maintain my writing muscle.… Continue reading The unforeseen benefit of blogging every day

Relational versus transactional videos and a subtle transition

My attempts to create more relational type videos rather than strictly transactional videos is going well. There appears to be a good interest in the day in the life type of video. And I do not believe that is a surprise as people have a great interest in the daily lives of others. The explosion… Continue reading Relational versus transactional videos and a subtle transition

Being recognised out and about from my YouTube channel

I was in Galway last weekend for a couple of nights over the bank holiday weekend. And, as usual, I was recognised by a couple of guys who welcomed me to Galway and told me they enjoyed my YouTube channel and that they were subscribers. The two meetings were on different days and with unrelated… Continue reading Being recognised out and about from my YouTube channel

My YouTube change of strategy has paid off but I am changing again

I have had great results recently on my YouTube channel since I increased the number of videos I have published. You will see from the graphic from my YouTube analytics that I have achieved 175% more views than usual, made more revenue from advertising, and gained 281 more subscribers that usual-that is, 671 new subscribers… Continue reading My YouTube change of strategy has paid off but I am changing again

Seeking support for my YouTube channel (still on the fence)

I have been thinking for a little while about setting up a “BuyMeACoffee” for my YouTube channel. This service is similar to the Patreon service to seek support for your YouTube channel, but I think the big difference-I may be wrong-is that the “BuyMeACoffee” system is entirely voluntary. In other words, whether you buy me… Continue reading Seeking support for my YouTube channel (still on the fence)

Monetising my YouTube channel with Patreon or YouTube membership

I often think about using Patreon or YouTube membership to provide an income stream from my YouTube channel. I have looked into both to see which is better, more advisable and what are the differences. It would be a big step for me, however, to put some sort of barrier or friction around my YouTube… Continue reading Monetising my YouTube channel with Patreon or YouTube membership

My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

I am not sure why my YouTube channel has experienced such a spell of growth as it has in the last month or so. To put the growth in context, in December I was growing at a rate of 200-300 new subscribers every 28 days. In the last 28 days, however, I have gained 1,600… Continue reading My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

Heading for 25,000 subscribers on YouTube

My YouTube channel is heading for 25,000 subscribers in the near future, touch wood. And it will be an achievement that I never thought I would see. In fact, I never even thought about setting such a target in 2010 or 2011 when I uploaded my first video to YouTube. The journey to this point,… Continue reading Heading for 25,000 subscribers on YouTube