Heading for 25,000 subscribers on YouTube

My YouTube channel is heading for 25,000 subscribers in the near future, touch wood.

And it will be an achievement that I never thought I would see.

In fact, I never even thought about setting such a target in 2010 or 2011 when I uploaded my first video to YouTube.

The journey to this point, over the subsequent years, has been worth it. I have acquired a great deal of new skills and knowledge about filming, cameras, editing, and so on.

And the learning journey continues. I have spent a good bit of time over the Christmas learning some basic editing tricks which I look forward to implementing in 2024.

This has truly been one of those activities where the journey has been worth the trouble and effort, regardless of the outcome.

Many people would look down their nose at 25,000 subscribers. But I come across excellent Youtube channels every day who have less than 5,000 subscribers.

So, I am immensely grateful for all 25,000 of my subscribers (when I achieve it).