My long form video experiment on YouTube seeks to exploit the ‘binge watch’ phenomenon

I am trying something new on my YouTube channel today. I am going to upload an extra-long video-up to 1 hour or thereabouts-to see how it performs. And the great thing about this particular tactic is I do not have to make any new content, or only an extremely small piece of new content. What… Continue reading My long form video experiment on YouTube seeks to exploit the ‘binge watch’ phenomenon

I’m still surprised by the stunning power of video

Video is powerful. This is something I have read, observed, and written about for a long time now. But no matter how many times I write about it I will invariably be struck again by a consultation with someone. The person, in the course of conversation with me in a consultation, will quote back something… Continue reading I’m still surprised by the stunning power of video

Making off piste videos and generating clients

I wrote a blog post last week about the remarkable ability of random things to create connection. Since then, I have had further evidence of this underrated, overlooked phenomenon. I had a consultation with an individual about the breakdown of a marriage of many decades. The individual who came to see me for advice was evidently… Continue reading Making off piste videos and generating clients

The power of story in creating great content for your business

A guy left a comment on my YouTube channel yesterday as follows: ”These are the best vlogs on YouTube”. The video he was commenting on was “I crash my drone twice on the same day”. I don’t, for a minute, think that my vlogs are the best on YouTube, or anything like it. But I… Continue reading The power of story in creating great content for your business

Why I am going to start using B-roll in my videos in 2023

I have been looking into the use of B-roll in the creation of videos in the last few weeks. Because I intend incorporating B-roll in my videos in 2023. B-roll has a number of advantages for the type of video I make, which could be described as “talking head” videos. B-roll will allow me to… Continue reading Why I am going to start using B-roll in my videos in 2023

If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now

If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now, how would I get clients? This might sound arrogant, but the answer is simple: make short form videos and publish them on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The videos would initially be one minute or less and would be made in the vertical aspect… Continue reading If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now

I have a vast inventory of video content and my biggest job now is distribution

As we near the end of 2022 I have begun to realise that I have an enormous amount of video content as part of my business marketing efforts. My biggest job nowadays is not so much making new videos, although I do that every week anyway, but distributing what I have in an efficient way… Continue reading I have a vast inventory of video content and my biggest job now is distribution

The power of video marketing (again)

I have written on more than one occasion about the power of video in the marketing and promotion arsenal of a small business like mine. My business, and practices of other professionals, is much dependent on the personality and character of the individual lawyer or accountant or tax advisor or business consultant. Putative clients will… Continue reading The power of video marketing (again)