Transactional versus relational YouTube channels

I watched a good video yesterday by Katie Steckly on YouTube. She explains the difference between a transactional YouTube channel and a relational one and the best way, in her view, to transition from the former to the latter. The widely accepted wisdom is to use a strategy which is in use in Hollywood for… Continue reading Transactional versus relational YouTube channels

Audio only podcasts?

I am pleasantly surprised by how well my audio only podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, is doing on YouTube podcasts. When you think about it, however, you quickly realise that the type of video I make-the “talking head” type video-is ideal for audio only podcast episodes. It is not as if you… Continue reading Audio only podcasts?

Podcast growth one idea/observation/nugget at a time

I was in two minds a few weeks ago about having my podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, on YouTube as an audio only podcast. But it is working out well and I am getting satisfactory listening figures and new subscribers from YouTube. The podcast is growing tremendously on Spotify, too, as I… Continue reading Podcast growth one idea/observation/nugget at a time

My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

I am not sure why my YouTube channel has experienced such a spell of growth as it has in the last month or so. To put the growth in context, in December I was growing at a rate of 200-300 new subscribers every 28 days. In the last 28 days, however, I have gained 1,600… Continue reading My YouTube channel has taken off (and I’m not sure why)

My video about the Kyle Hayes case went 

My video about the Kyle Hates criminal case in Limerick went viral yesterday. I posted it yesterday morning on TikTok and YouTube, amongst other sites, and it has, 24 hours later, been viewed 272,800 times on TikTok and 22,000 times on YouTube. It has also been viewed by thousands of Instagram and Facebook account holders.… Continue reading My video about the Kyle Hayes case went 

Podcasts on YouTube

Did you know that YouTube have got into podcasting in the last year or two? And not just video podcasts, but regular audio podcasts. I submit the RSS feed from my podcast, “The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast”, from Spotify/Anchor to YouTube. The results have been pleasantly surprising. Because YouTube seems to be finding… Continue reading Podcasts on YouTube

Online marketing is easier now than when I started in 2009

When I first started marketing my business online in 2009 it was harder than it is now. Back then the big beast was Google because Google dominated search with the two biggest search engines: Google and YouTube. A lot has changed over the subsequent decade or so and it is easier now to build a… Continue reading Online marketing is easier now than when I started in 2009

Selling solutions (not problems or bad news) makes you invaluable

When you build your profile online and build up even a moderate number of followers you will invariably attract the scammers. Thse individuals will copy your profile and pass themselves off as me and try to sell my followers all types of nefarious, bogus money-making schemes-for example bitcoin. I had this problem for a long… Continue reading Selling solutions (not problems or bad news) makes you invaluable

2 easy ways to build your brand and service based business for free

I was starting a business now, especially a service-based business, I would have a wide range of free tools at my disposal to build my brand and business. Firstly, I could start a YouTube channel by making simple, helpful, easy to create videos on my smartphone. This is a completely free method and with a… Continue reading 2 easy ways to build your brand and service based business for free