Getting 1-star reviews

All the great books and films have a plethora of 1-star reviews. And that’s a good thing. Because if you make or do something for everyone, for the general populace, you may avoid 1-star reviews, but you will make something average, something mediocre. Something designed to avoid 1-star reviews and land somewhere in the middle… Continue reading Getting 1-star reviews

Distribution channels and your small business

If marketing is about changing the culture, then distribution channels for your message are of vital importance. There are many channels of distribution nowadays to allow you distribute your message and make a change: videos on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, podcasts, websites, blogs, Instagram, TikTok, email newsletters. If you are a small business owner like me… Continue reading Distribution channels and your small business

The price of exploiting trending topics and controversy

When you do your own online/digital marketing as I have done since starting my solicitor’s practice back in 2011 you experiment. You try all types of different things to see which are the most effective, which give the most return for the expenditure of your valuable time. You discover, amongst other things, that it is… Continue reading The price of exploiting trending topics and controversy

Travelling back to the apartments I built with mixed feelings

I’m going back in time this morning. I have not visited the apartments I built in Edgeworthstown, Longford for years. I don’t know how many years have passed since I was there last but it is at least three years, perhaps five. Anyway, these apartments are epochal in my life. They are where the business/entrepreneurial… Continue reading Travelling back to the apartments I built with mixed feelings

The most important skill in any small business or start up

One of the most important skills that any entrepreneur or small business owner can acquire is the ability to organise and manage. I have created and run many different businesses and undertakings since my first one in 1986.  The one common thread running through all of them, like a seam of gold running through bedrock,… Continue reading The most important skill in any small business or start up

The power of story in creating great content for your business

A guy left a comment on my YouTube channel yesterday as follows: ”These are the best vlogs on YouTube”. The video he was commenting on was “I crash my drone twice on the same day”. I don’t, for a minute, think that my vlogs are the best on YouTube, or anything like it. But I… Continue reading The power of story in creating great content for your business