Distribution channels and your small business

If marketing is about changing the culture, then distribution channels for your message are of vital importance.

There are many channels of distribution nowadays to allow you distribute your message and make a change: videos on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, podcasts, websites, blogs, Instagram, TikTok, email newsletters.

If you are a small business owner like me the more channels of distribution the better. Each one can be powerful in its own way.

For the last few months I have been making a greater effort to make and distribute podcast episodes on my podcast, The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast.

It doesn’t matter that the episodes are the sound files of the various videos I publish on my YouTube channel. That’s not the point.

The fact is this is another distribution channel which reaches people who prefer to listen to podcasts rather than watch videos or read blog posts.

And it is, I am happy to report, a distribution channel that is growing slowly but steadily.

Anyway, if you want to learn more about the strategy I have used, and continue to use, to grow my business you might be interested in the book I have published on the topic, “The Art of Marketing Your Services Business Online: How to Get New Clients With a Proven, Inexpensive 5 Part Digital Marketing Strategy”.