Gypsy girls, dead bodies and smoking guns

In “The Brothers Karamazov” one of the brothers Dmitri Fyodorovich is described as spending a great deal of time engaged in acts of debauchery and dissipation. He is often said to have spent his money on liquor and gypsy girls. I had a consultation during the time I was reading this book by Dostoevsky with… Continue reading Gypsy girls, dead bodies and smoking guns

I have just finished “The Brothers Karamazov”

I have just finished Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, “The Brothers Karamazov”. I think it is Dostoevsky’s last novel, and it is widely regarded as his best. It is a remarkable book driven by the dialogue of the characters and the forensic insight into the psychology of the characters. Yes, there are events and happenings, most notably… Continue reading I have just finished “The Brothers Karamazov”

Undermining your solicitor when buying property

If you are buying a property you need to be careful about undermining your solicitor in the pre-contract stage. Your solicitor may be looking to reach agreement with the vendor’s solicitor about the insertion of a special condition in the contract. This special condition is not being requested simply as some form of ritual or… Continue reading Undermining your solicitor when buying property

Updating my books-the dilemma

My books on employment law, property and digital marketing for small service providers sell well on Amazon. All formats-paperback, Kindle and audiobook-perform well. In fact, sales appear to have increased in the last year or two. Which is great for it is nice to think work I have done a few years ago still bears… Continue reading Updating my books-the dilemma

Categorized as Books

The qualitative difference between social media sites for small business growth

There is a qualitative difference between social media sites when you are looking to generate leads and clients. My experience is that YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn are the best sites when it comes to lead and client generation. I have grown a massive following in a short space of time on TikTok but the platform… Continue reading The qualitative difference between social media sites for small business growth

One of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s favourite words?What does it mean?

I am listening to “The Brothers Karamazov” at the moment and there is a word that pops up in the novel with a great deal of frequency. It is a word that you will not hear much nowadays in normal, everyday conversation. In fact, you may not come across it at all. The word is… Continue reading One of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s favourite words?What does it mean?

Instagram marketing-the different types of content required

I should reach 10,000 followers on Instagram this week. In fact, it might even happen today as I have 9,997 followers as I write this. I did a little bit of research at the weekend to try to ascertain what type of content I should be sharing in Stories, Reels, Feed, IG video as the… Continue reading Instagram marketing-the different types of content required