I have just finished “The Brothers Karamazov”

I have just finished Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, “The Brothers Karamazov”.

I think it is Dostoevsky’s last novel, and it is widely regarded as his best.

It is a remarkable book driven by the dialogue of the characters and the forensic insight into the psychology of the characters. Yes, there are events and happenings, most notably the murder of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, the father of the brothers.

I would be fascinated to learn how long it took Dostoevsky to write this novel for the level of detail is stunning. Detail about the characters, their views, feelings, doings, deep arguments about philosophy, God, religion, socialism, the devil, the State, peasants, serfs, family, relationships, love, greed, and so on.

It is a book I will go back to again and reread it. Next time I will read it, as I listened to it on audiobook this time around.

But I will wait a little while for it is a long book and I want to let what I have consumed settle on my consciousness and psyche. As Dostoevsky would have wanted.

You can pick it up here on Amazon if you are interested.

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