Updating my books-the dilemma

My books on employment law, property and digital marketing for small service providers sell well on Amazon.

All formats-paperback, Kindle and audiobook-perform well. In fact, sales appear to have increased in the last year or two. Which is great for it is nice to think work I have done a few years ago still bears fruit and is gaining more sales momentum.

But I am faced with the dilemma of updating the books-should I try to update them all or leave them alone and let them stand on their own merits at the time they were written and considering the law as it existed at the time.

There are two problems with updating: will I have to continually do so when there is a change in the law in respect of the employment law books, for example? Where do I draw the line? Secondly, the audiobooks will be out of sync with the written books if I do not update them, too.

Although I could do the voice recording myself for any further changes. It would not be ideal, however, as you would have two different voices reading the one book.

You can check out the books on Amazon here.

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