The power of habit, organisation, standard operating procedures and obsessive compulsive disorder

One of the girls in the office-Josephine-suggested not too long ago that I had obsessive compulsive disorder. She said it half-jokingly but like most ‘half joking’ remarks there was probably a grain of truth in the observation. My daughter, Lisa, is a primary school teacher and we have often discussed autism and ‘being on the… Continue reading The power of habit, organisation, standard operating procedures and obsessive compulsive disorder

I have started weight training

About three years ago myself and my wife went on the weight loss programme, “Operation Transformation”. And it was a spectacular success for both of us. I lost about three stones in a relatively short period of time by following the programme which involves a food consumption component and an exercise regime. As part of… Continue reading I have started weight training

Reordering and prioritising my Pomodoro work sessions

I organise my working day in a regimented, structured fashion. It suits me and my personality. It also suits my profession. In the legal profession being able to manage yourself, your time, your files, calendar is an essential prerequisite. I use the Pomodoro technique to help me with my time allocation. This essentially means that… Continue reading Reordering and prioritising my Pomodoro work sessions

On being creative

I have never seen myself as ‘arty’ or ‘creative’. That was other people. Not me. But I have always had an urge to write. And I have always loved words, books, reading. In the last few years, as a consequence of my marketing work in building my solicitor’s practice, I have been engaged in activities… Continue reading On being creative