The Chimp Paradox-a book that should be read again and again

I am a massive fan of the book, “The Chimp Paradox”. I have written about it before on this website. I won’t bore you with the synopsis or the invaluable lessons to be gleaned from Professor Steve Peters’ work. You can take a look at the blog post linked above to read a brief summary.… Continue reading The Chimp Paradox-a book that should be read again and again

How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Every Day

I meet people every day of the week who claim to be, or are, suffering from stress and anxiety. Much, but not all, of the stress arises from their workplace. I have a philosophy which helps me deal with stress and worry and anxiety and it involves the acceptance of what I believe are 3… Continue reading How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Every Day

2 Books That Could Change Your Life

I read and listen to a large number of books on a monthly and yearly basis. Some are eminently forgettable, some are average, and a small few can change your life. I’ve read two such books in the last year or so. Both, coincidentally, were written by psychiatrists and both of them give the same… Continue reading 2 Books That Could Change Your Life