About three years ago myself and my wife went on the weight loss programme, “Operation Transformation”. And it was a spectacular success for both of us.

I lost about three stones in a relatively short period of time by following the programme which involves a food consumption component and an exercise regime.
As part of my exercise regime, and wanting to keep the weight loss off, I continued running every day for thirty minutes. I do this in the evening when I come home from work and early in the morning when I am off at the weekend.
I rarely miss a day, regardless of the weather. I just show up and do it, no matter how tough it is to start.
Listening to audiobooks has been a great help in keeping at the running.
Now, I have installed a home gym in our garage. I picked it up in Argos for €140 and it comprises a bench, weights rack, weights, and a bar.
The idea is I will be able to mix up the running with some resistance training with the weights.
Doing weights will also provide a welcome change from the monotony of the running. It should also give relief to certain joints that feel the pressure from running on a footpath or road.
As you get older, I understand, there is tremendous benefits from lifting weights.
So I am looking forward to it and seeing if I can reap the benefits of being able to make the short trip from my kitchen to my garage during the dark winter months and getting a good, vigorous workout without taking my chances on dark, unlit rural roads.