Stories and storytelling-what is the point?

Stories are a way we give meaning to our activity and life. We can choose the stories we tell ourselves, and it is vitally important that we choose the right one. Take three men working on a construction site laying blocks. One guy says he is a blocklayer. One guy says he is building a… Continue reading Stories and storytelling-what is the point?

The structure of communication to aid a shared objective

One effective way to structure communication and ensure you can persuade is to use four stages: These four steps allow you to bring the other person through certain steps to arrive at a shared solution or answer. This allows you both to be on the same side. The alternative is to impose an answer from… Continue reading The structure of communication to aid a shared objective

Influence and shared objectives-lessons from John Kiely and Jim Gavin

A key factor in the building of influence and being able to persuade others, to lead, is to have shared objectives. This is the team ethic. Allowing other people to be part of a bigger dream is immensely powerful. You will always hear successful sports people speaking about how being part of the team and… Continue reading Influence and shared objectives-lessons from John Kiely and Jim Gavin

Self-awareness-a valuable skill in self-management

Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses is vital if you are concerned about being a good manager. For you need to be able to manage yourself first before you can manage others. And to manage yourself you need to be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to double down… Continue reading Self-awareness-a valuable skill in self-management