Being compelled to learn something quickly

I bought a chainsaw at the weekend.

Little did I know until I opened the box at home that I had to assemble it.

This involved putting on the chain with the little blades, the guide bar, the clutch cover and then tensioning the chain to the right tension for use.

I spent the best part of the weekend going down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos and instruction manuals because even though it looked like a straightforward enough job that was not the case.

Then I flooded the engine so it would not start.

Eventually, however, I got it assembled and starting.

I have not cut anything yet but I am glad now that I was forced to become so familiar with the workings of the machine. It will stand me in good stead in the future if I have any problems, I hope.

Sometimes, no matter how frustrating, you do have to go down a rabbit hole to really understand something. I had no choice, or I would have had an expensive but unassembled tool at home in the garage.

Now I feel I have a good understanding of the machine.

Before the weekend I would have had no interest, but I was forced to learn quickly. Sometimes, not always, that time I was forced to give up is worth it.

You need to be able to figure out when this arises, or you might be better off subcontracting out.