10 Invaluable Lessons from Reaching 5,000 YouTube Subscribers

When I started out on YouTube, I never thought I would reach 5,000 subscribers. Let’s face it, I was making videos about topics-law and business-that are not likely to produce videos which can go viral or gain massive popularity. To compound matters I was not making videos for a huge population base because my videos… Continue reading 10 Invaluable Lessons from Reaching 5,000 YouTube Subscribers

Feeding the Birds-a 5 Minute Story Out of the Ordinary

Using story is one of the most effective ways of communicating and persuading. A story can be as short as 3 seconds, or as long as a lifetime. The video below is a 5-minute story and you will probably recognise the 3 “acts” or “stages” in it. Making this video is the product of a… Continue reading Feeding the Birds-a 5 Minute Story Out of the Ordinary

“The Art of Marketing Your Services Business Online: How to Get New Clients With a Proven, Inexpensive 5 Part Digital Marketing Strategy”-Update in the Pipeline

I was delighted when I checked the latest reviews of my books for sale on Amazon and Kindle. Reviews, especially bad ones, can break a book’s life; no reviews at all are not helpful either and it is challenging to get readers to leave a review. I have 6 titles for sale which can be… Continue reading “The Art of Marketing Your Services Business Online: How to Get New Clients With a Proven, Inexpensive 5 Part Digital Marketing Strategy”-Update in the Pipeline

The Danger of Overreliance on 1 Online Platform

I have written before about the stunning effectiveness of YouTube and Facebook advertising, provided it is done correctly. There is a tremendous danger, however, in putting all your eggs in one basket. Recently I met a young woman whose entire business-surprisingly successful-was based on the popularity of her Facebook page and Facebook advertising. When she… Continue reading The Danger of Overreliance on 1 Online Platform

Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

He was the 30th employee at Facebook when it started up. He was directly involved in the creation of the Facebook advertising platform. And he is almost certainly a multi-millionaire. He is the founder of AppSumo, Sumo, and King Sumo and a leading light in the business world dispensing advice for startups and entrepreneurs. His… Continue reading Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

Content Marketing-a Simple, Effective Strategy

Every weekend I try, and generally succeed, in creating at least 2 new pieces of content. This weekend, for example, I published a video on YouTube, “Reading Between the Lines at an Employment Hearing” and published a blog post “Part Time Bus Driver Wins Reinstatement and Full Salary Retrospection”. Content marketing This is the central… Continue reading Content Marketing-a Simple, Effective Strategy

The Remarkable Power of Video in Bestowing Authority

A lady from Utah or Idaho or Ohio or someplace in the United States emailed me last week. She wanted me to advise her in relation to some difficulty she was encountering with a government or State department in the United States. She had seen me on YouTube and was impressed and decided I was… Continue reading The Remarkable Power of Video in Bestowing Authority

Drip by Drip (the Army of Cost Effective Workers)

I uploaded a video to YouTube yesterday which is almost certainly of interest to only a small group of people. The video is called “The Powers, Duties and Role of Executors in Irish law”. To the person who finds themselves burdened with the job of executor for the estate of a loved one who has… Continue reading Drip by Drip (the Army of Cost Effective Workers)

2,000 YouTube Subscribers Later-My 4 Fundamentals To Grow a Small Business Online

I got a great deal of quiet satisfaction this week from reaching my 2,000th subscriber to my YouTube channel. I uploaded my first video in March 2011 and it took from then until the third quarter of 2018 to grow my subscriber base to 1,000. But it only took a couple of months to add… Continue reading 2,000 YouTube Subscribers Later-My 4 Fundamentals To Grow a Small Business Online