Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

facebook advertising

He was the 30th employee at Facebook when it started up. He was directly involved in the creation of the Facebook advertising platform.

And he is almost certainly a multi-millionaire. He is the founder of AppSumo, Sumo, and King Sumo and a leading light in the business world dispensing advice for startups and entrepreneurs.

His name is Noah Kagan.

I came across a video of his on YouTube recently and was fascinated to read the title and the premise of his video. It is called “Facebook Ads Tutorial: How I Get Thousands of Email Subscribers for $1 Each” and you can watch it here.

I was fascinated because I get email subscribers for $0.34 per sign up.

Yes, 34% of Noah Kagan’s cost. 34% of the cost that Noah Kagan, employee number 30 at Facebook, is so impressed with and made a video about it.

So I made a video about it, which you can take a look at on this page.

Of course the reason why I can make Noah Kagan look like a rank amateur is because I am in a much less competitive market.

Less competitive from a geographical perspective, and less competitive from an industry standpoint.

Nevertheless, you would have to wonder why more business owners, entrepreneurs, start ups, hustlers, grinders, and so forth do not avail of Facebook advertising for their business.

And don’t use email marketing properly.

And don’t use YouTube and YouTube advertising properly, or at all.

It baffles me, quite frankly.

Anyway, take a look at the video here:

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