I publish a large amount of video content on various social media channels. Video marketing plays a central role in the marketing of my business and my own brand (being a sole trader/sole practitioner). Much of my content generates a great deal of comment, which is great as I want my stuff to generate engagement… Continue reading Getting dragged down by asinine, uninformed comments
Category: Digital Marketing
You’re doing TikTok wrong
A guy told me I was doing TikTok wrong yesterday. He had, when I looked at his profile, a handful of followers-less than 100. I have over 40,000 followers on the platform. And get a shed load of queries and business from TikTok. What he meant, however, is he wanted me to give an opinion… Continue reading You’re doing TikTok wrong
TikTok reply videos
I did my first TikTok reply videos this week. I did two one day during lunchtime. These reply videos are simply short videos replying to a comment from a previous video of mine. It is incredibly easy to do them, and they are an excellent way to generate further content for my channel and grow… Continue reading TikTok reply videos
Facebook trounces Twitter for business development and brand building
Facebook never ceases to amaze me as a place to promote my business and brand. The number of Facebook users who engage with what I post on the platform, including commenting on and sharing my posts, is remarkable. If you compare it to Twitter, for example, there is no comparison. Facebook wins hands down. Yet… Continue reading Facebook trounces Twitter for business development and brand building
The hubris and overconfidence of commenters on my TikTok account
It can be fascinating and frustrating to read many of the comments on my TikTok account when I publish a video. So many commenters appear to be so sure and so confident about the wildest misconceptions that you would fear for them. Perhaps they are supremely confident online in their comments on legal issues or… Continue reading The hubris and overconfidence of commenters on my TikTok account
YouTube livestreams-worth a second look
I have done live video in the past, most recently last weekend on an impromptu, unscheduled YouTube livestream. I have done a little research into the value of livestreams on YouTube and it appears that there are significant benefits including building a closer connection to your audience and the continued utility of the video on… Continue reading YouTube livestreams-worth a second look
How to grow my tribe
I was thinking over the weekend about building my influence and my tribe as I was listening to a podcast. The podcast was about short, vertical videos and the strategy of using such videos, which are incredibly powerful, to build a base on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube shorts, Facebook reels and Twitter. I have a pretty… Continue reading How to grow my tribe
The importance of good audio
Many people who decide to get into video and see how valuable it can be to grow their business and brand make a rookie mistake: they fail to see the importance of good audio. Viewers will put up with less than perfect video footage, and will expect shaky, unprofessional videos in many circumstances. But they… Continue reading The importance of good audio
Small business marketing is about making choices about your time
When you are a small business owner and you are doing your own marketing your time is valuable and limited. Therefore, you must make decisions as to where to allocate your time in the most efficient and effective way. This involves choosing one social media site over another-for example, are you better off making posts/tweets… Continue reading Small business marketing is about making choices about your time