One of the girls in the office-Josephine-suggested not too long ago that I had obsessive compulsive disorder. She said it half-jokingly but like most ‘half joking’ remarks there was probably a grain of truth in the observation. My daughter, Lisa, is a primary school teacher and we have often discussed autism and ‘being on the… Continue reading The power of habit, organisation, standard operating procedures and obsessive compulsive disorder
Category: Small Business
100,000 hours of viewing time on my YouTube channel
YouTube let me know this week that I had achieved the milestone of 100,000 hours of viewing time on my YouTube channel. This gives me a great deal of satisfaction and I pay no heed to the fact that my channel is on the go for over 10 years now. Or the fact that I… Continue reading 100,000 hours of viewing time on my YouTube channel
Retailing-a brutally demanding trade with some fundamentals that you must repeatedly deliver
Retail is a brutally demanding industry. The commitment and time required to succeed with a retail business are things I am completely familiar with, having been involved in start-up retail businesses for about 25 years. The day in, day out, 7 day a week demands in most cases, wears you down and tests your commitment.… Continue reading Retailing-a brutally demanding trade with some fundamentals that you must repeatedly deliver
“Buying a House in Ireland: a Step by Step Guide by a Builder/Solicitor”-I must take another look
Sales of my book, “Buying a House in Ireland: a Step by Step Guide by a Builder/Solicitor”, have been consistently steady lately. Without going into the detail or delving too deeply into the actual numbers from Amazon sales appear to have been growing to the point where ‘my property book’ is now easily outselling my… Continue reading “Buying a House in Ireland: a Step by Step Guide by a Builder/Solicitor”-I must take another look
Starting your own information business
The process of making and selling an information product is a relatively simple one. There is no great complexity involved. True-you will have to learn some basic skills. But those skills can easily be acquired from freely available online sources such as YouTube. There is almost certainty no skills that cannot be learned from a… Continue reading Starting your own information business
Building a following
Building a following will be a critical part of the success of your information product. Your following can be online or offline, but the likelihood is it will be online. Regardless of whether you would prefer an online or offline audience you cannot ignore the reality of small business and life nowadays. You will need… Continue reading Building a following
Selling your information product
The biggest problem you will face in your side hustle of selling information products will be selling the finished product. Because your product is likely to be a virtual product such as an eBook or an online course, although there is nothing to stop you from selling your report or white paper or book in… Continue reading Selling your information product
Starting a Side Hustle in ‘The Knowledge Business’
Most of us have some skill, knowledge, or experience to share with others. All of us are unique with unique lives, skills and life experiences and it is extremely likely that your knowledge would be of great benefit to someone else. Of such benefit, in fact, that others would be willing to pay for your… Continue reading Starting a Side Hustle in ‘The Knowledge Business’
The biggest disadvantage of successful online marketing
There are not many disadvantages of having an active online marketing presence. But there are one or two. The greatest one is probably the number of queries and requests I receive from a mixture of tyre kickers, hopeless cases, and those harbouring and nourishing deeply held grievances for inordinate periods of time. Don’t get me… Continue reading The biggest disadvantage of successful online marketing
Starting a side hustle in the information provision business
I published a short video last week called “Exploiting the gaps in the information provision business”. I was making the point that there was a good living to be made from providing information to people, especially given the reluctance of many to do some basic research by themselves. I know this from my YouTube channel… Continue reading Starting a side hustle in the information provision business