Content distribution-my important daily task

One of the most important tasks I carry out on a daily basis in relation to my solicitor’s practice is what I call “content distribution”. I have made so much content-blog posts and videos-over the last ten years or so that I am never stuck for something to share online and I have a daily… Continue reading Content distribution-my important daily task

Podcasting and quietly building an asset

I have grown my YouTube channel to a subscriber base of over 23,000 as I write this on 1st August 2023. Video has been tremendously effective for my brand and business. And then I began to take the audio files from my videos and publish them on my podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business… Continue reading Podcasting and quietly building an asset

Two overlooked channels to promote your small business

If you have a small business like mine, you will come across all types of advice as to how to market your business and brand online. You will find, too, that the advice tends to reflect what is popular, hot, ‘blowing up’, at a given point in time. The inevitable consequence of this trend is… Continue reading Two overlooked channels to promote your small business

The two types of entrepreneurs/start-ups that have surprised me

I am contacted frequently by entrepreneurs or individuals starting their own business. They contact me because they may have learned that I have been an entrepreneur since I was 23 years of age and have been involved in a wide range of entrepreneurial/commercial activity across a range of industries. I make the most of my… Continue reading The two types of entrepreneurs/start-ups that have surprised me

Stories and storytelling-what is the point?

Stories are a way we give meaning to our activity and life. We can choose the stories we tell ourselves, and it is vitally important that we choose the right one. Take three men working on a construction site laying blocks. One guy says he is a blocklayer. One guy says he is building a… Continue reading Stories and storytelling-what is the point?

Active listening for effective communication

Managing and communicating well is greatly dependent on listening. Not just ordinary, everyday listening but intentional, active listening. It turns out that when we are listening there is an 8 second buffer at work. In other words, we can be watching tv or doing something and someone can be speaking to you. You may not… Continue reading Active listening for effective communication

Managing and communication-the stunning power of asking questions

The person asking the questions is in control in a relationship. Asking questions is far more effective than making declarative statements. Good questions are closely connected to listening. When you see what the other person is looking at, what facts and circumstances they believe, then you can understand them. Nobody says or does something stupid… Continue reading Managing and communication-the stunning power of asking questions

The structure of communication to aid a shared objective

One effective way to structure communication and ensure you can persuade is to use four stages: These four steps allow you to bring the other person through certain steps to arrive at a shared solution or answer. This allows you both to be on the same side. The alternative is to impose an answer from… Continue reading The structure of communication to aid a shared objective