Negative comments as a good metric of successful messaging

The more successful you are on social media the more negative comments are directed at you. Initially it is a bit of a shock, especially if you have never stuck your head above the parapet before. But you do get used to it and you see them as simply good indicators that what you are… Continue reading Negative comments as a good metric of successful messaging

I ended up shouting at the so-called marketing expert

I ended up shouting at the podcast episode I was listening to on my morning cycle over around Kinnegad, Clogherinkoe and back home. The so-called expert, Mark Schaeffer, on the Social Media Marketing Podcast was talking about Social Media Marketing nowadays and how much it has changed over the last 10 or 20 years. He… Continue reading I ended up shouting at the so-called marketing expert

Not losing sight of the original purpose of my YouTube channel

It is easy for me to produce all sorts of video content for my YouTube channel. And I have now reached 27,000 subscribers on the channel having only recently reached 25,000. I am aware that much of the content I publish may have little or no benefit for my business, which is the whole purpose… Continue reading Not losing sight of the original purpose of my YouTube channel

Small business marketing is about making choices about your time

When you are a small business owner and you are doing your own marketing your time is valuable and limited. Therefore, you must make decisions as to where to allocate your time in the most efficient and effective way. This involves choosing one social media site over another-for example, are you better off making posts/tweets… Continue reading Small business marketing is about making choices about your time

Effective communications for solicitors and lawyers

I saw one of those promotional tweets on Twitter earlier this week. It was a gentleman announcing the launch of his new book. It got my attention because the new book was about effective communication for lawyers or solicitors and, if memory serves me right and I could be wrong, he was an academic in… Continue reading Effective communications for solicitors and lawyers

Missing the social media opportunity

The vast majority of small businesses fail, in my view, to properly exploit the power of social media to promote their business and brand. The simplest, most effective way is to use video. Video can be shared on most social media sites in one way or another. And you can bang out a new video,… Continue reading Missing the social media opportunity

Small businesses should constantly monitor and review time spent on social media sites

I always monitor closely my efforts and time spent on social media sites.  I am looking to ascertain what is working, what’s not working and trying to arrive at the optimum use of my time. Yes, I could spend plenty of time on all the platforms open to me, but I want to ensure the… Continue reading Small businesses should constantly monitor and review time spent on social media sites

The true test of your social media marketing

One of the most powerful ways of using the social media platforms to promote your brand or business is to get other users to share your stuff. A bit like a relay race. You don’t do this by creating poor, valueless, entertainment free videos or blog posts. You do it by creating quality, useful content… Continue reading The true test of your social media marketing