If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now

If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now, how would I get clients? This might sound arrogant, but the answer is simple: make short form videos and publish them on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The videos would initially be one minute or less and would be made in the vertical aspect… Continue reading If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now

“Quinn Country”-a story worth telling

The “Quinn Country” three-part documentary finished last night on RTE1. I thought it was a tremendous film cum documentary which was well worth making and broadcasting, notwithstanding the criticism from some on Twitter who questioned RTE’s decision to allow Quinn so much airtime to tell his story. That criticism was most voluble after episode 1… Continue reading “Quinn Country”-a story worth telling

“Quinn Country”-a couple of observations

Watching Quinn Country for the last couple of days a couple of things have struck me. The first is how successful Quinn was in building the businesses he bult in the location he built them. It appeared to be a truly remarkable achievement. The second thing is the childish desire for Quinn, having bet the… Continue reading “Quinn Country”-a couple of observations

Your own publishing company to enhance your business

“Do you not run out of topics to make videos about?” That was the question one of my employees asked me a few years ago when she discovered I had a YouTube channel. You could pose the same question in relation to my websites/blogs which cover legal and business topics. The answer is “no”, you… Continue reading Your own publishing company to enhance your business

My First TikTok Live

I did my first TikTok live yesterday at around 11 am. It went well, a good crowd showed up and there were lots of questions which I tried to answer. I gained a little over 60 new followers/fans so that was a good outcome. I have also received a few email questions from persons who… Continue reading My First TikTok Live

Selling information products as a side hustle (and developing it into a business)

I published a new book on the Kindle/Amazon platform yesterday. It is only a short book but sets out how to start a side hustle, which can be developed into a home business, selling information products. The method taps into the power that the internet is capable of putting in the hands of the ordinary,… Continue reading Selling information products as a side hustle (and developing it into a business)

Always be hustling if you are a small business owner

I’m taking annual leave for the next week. So, the girls in the office, when giving appointments for consultations, cannot put anyone in next week. But I noticed yesterday that they were telling callers that I was on annual leave next week and it would be the following week before I could see the caller.… Continue reading Always be hustling if you are a small business owner