My First TikTok Live

TikTok Live

I did my first TikTok live yesterday at around 11 am.

It went well, a good crowd showed up and there were lots of questions which I tried to answer. I gained a little over 60 new followers/fans so that was a good outcome. I have also received a few email questions from persons who did not want to publish their issue on the live, which is understandable.

The great thing about it was how easy it was to just go live. The small drawback that I would like to address is I was doing it on my cell phone and the text of the questions was quite small and only occupying the lower part of the phone screen.

This meant the questions were hard to read without glasses and moved very quickly up the scree and out of sight, such was the volume of questions.

I will do more of them as it was a good experiment and a good first experience with new followers gained. I would need to review the situation after doing some more as there may be significant differences between going live on TikTok and going live on YouTube. For example, there would have been a lot more questions about property on YouTube, I believer, than there was on TikTok.

But further trials are needed.

You can check out my TikTok profile here.

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