Flashbacks of working in the elements

As I put the key into the door of my office this morning at 5.50 am on the Main Street in Enfield, and as the rain briefly wet me and became uncomfortable, I thought about how lucky I was. I knew I was to spend the day in a warm, dry office without having to come out again into the elements until 5 pm this evening.

Years ago, although it does not seem that long ago, the type of rain that fell during the night and early this morning would have ensured a miserable, wet working day. I was filling petrol, dipping tanks, washing cars, in and out off the filling station forecourt that I ran.

Or I was on a building site in Edgeworthtstown driving my teleporter, trying to ensure building materials were kept dry, and trying to persuade certain trades to continue working as “it will blow over”.

Sometimes you forget all about these experiences. Sometimes you remember.

As I fumbled at the door this morning and the rain pattered on the shoulders of my suit I remembered.

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