Watching Quinn Country for the last couple of days a couple of things have struck me.
The first is how successful Quinn was in building the businesses he bult in the location he built them. It appeared to be a truly remarkable achievement.
The second thing is the childish desire for Quinn, having bet the farm on Anglo Irish Bank shares and lost, to be given his property and businesses back.
Of course, they are not his businesses or properties. He gambled and lost and had personal and company debts that he was unable to pay once Anglo share prices fell.
But the simplistic notion of public support and demonstrations somehow reversing the effects of borrowing money and failing to repay was striking.
I do not know to what extent there is support in the community for Quinn now. But up to relatively recently it has been an unusual feature of this debacle.
Quinn himself knows how the game is played, however. Although he was happy to go along with the charade and march down the main street in his local towns like some modern-day lord or king.
Quinn knows better than anyone from his football days, and after, that when it’s over, it’s over.