Advice for newly qualified barristers

I have a great deal of sympathy for newly qualified barristers. It is a tough game and starting out when the struggle is to get instructions to gain some experience and a foothold in the profession requires a great deal of fortitude and commitment. Most of them start out with a great commitment to, and… Continue reading Advice for newly qualified barristers

What does the Domino’s drivers decision in the Supreme Court mean for other gig economy workers?

Many gig economy workers have contacted me or left comments on my various social media platforms when they heard about the Supreme Court deciding, after 13 years, that the Domino’s delivery drivers were employees for tax purposes. They are asking me is this case now a precedent for their particular situation and can they now… Continue reading What does the Domino’s drivers decision in the Supreme Court mean for other gig economy workers?

How to grow my tribe

I was thinking over the weekend about building my influence and my tribe as I was listening to a podcast. The podcast was about short, vertical videos and the strategy of using such videos, which are incredibly powerful, to build a base on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube shorts, Facebook reels and Twitter. I have a pretty… Continue reading How to grow my tribe

100 Google reviews

Our solicitor’s practice business, Terry Gorry & Co. Solicitors, received its 100th review on Google Business yesterday. Our average review mark is 4.8. Reviews are important for any business, and I have had a love/hate relationship with Google Business reviews for a number of reasons including the fact that anyone, not just a client, can… Continue reading 100 Google reviews

Which (if any) social media sites are effective for your business?

There is a lot to be said for any small business owner concentrating on the social media platform(s) that are right for their business. This will depend on three factors: An enormous amount of time can be spent flogging a dead horse in this regard. But finding the right channel is a valuable use of… Continue reading Which (if any) social media sites are effective for your business?

If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now

If I was starting my solicitor’s practice in 2023 I would make it my business to learn about making videos. It would make not one jot of difference whether I used my mobile phone or an iPad (or similar device) or a relatively inexpensive vlogging camera or a top end camera. I would make it… Continue reading If I was starting my solicitor’s practice now

The engagement on this Facebook post (after only 24 hours) is remarkable

I shared a video on Facebook yesterday about Pepper Finance being granted a repossession order in respect of 3 houses from borrowers who were unable to repay all their loans. The video has now (24 hours later) 603 likes, 102 comments, and has been shared by Facebook users 43 times. 24 hours later. This is… Continue reading The engagement on this Facebook post (after only 24 hours) is remarkable