I am pleased to announce..

Every time I see one of these “I am pleased to announce..” notices on LinkedIn I feel compelled to shake my head wryly. It is a pavlovian response. I can’t help it. The announcement may be “I am pleased to announce I have had an article published in (insert some professional publication)” or “I am… Continue reading I am pleased to announce..

Maximising efficiency in marketing your small business and brand

I’m a great believer in, and fan, of efficiency, especially in respect of the marketing of my business and brand. When you are small, with a limited budget, you must work harder and smarter than bigger competitors. Or else. So, I am always looking for ways to get multiple uses out of a piece of… Continue reading Maximising efficiency in marketing your small business and brand

A valuable reminder at Berlin airport about effective communication

At Berlin airport this week, whilst waiting around for our plane back to Dublin from Germany, I was reminded of the value of clear communication. There was a ground support worker-he may have had some type of supervisory role-who I watched in action for some time. He had a tremendous range of hand signals with… Continue reading A valuable reminder at Berlin airport about effective communication

Speculating in a hotel bar in Berlin airport

I could not help speculating last night in the hotel bar at the Brandenburg airport in Berlin. There was a guy there who was having a beer and engaging in animated conversation, in English, with what I presume were work colleagues. He was talking about sales and how sales were going so far in June,… Continue reading Speculating in a hotel bar in Berlin airport

Replying to every email in my inbox-a rethink is necessary

I have always taken pride in replying to all emails sent to me.  Even if the reply was to advise that I was unable to help. I saw it as a basic professional courtesy. But I am beginning to rethink the situation. What if you have advised a person repeatedly what the process is, at… Continue reading Replying to every email in my inbox-a rethink is necessary