2 Bank Holiday Weekends, 2 Banners-Just Politics?

I’ts an easy one to make. The connection between the simplistic thinking demonstrated by Mary Lou McDonald’s carrying of a banner “England get out of Ireland” in New York on St. Patrick’s Day and the crude, one-dimensional thinking which led to riots in Derry at Easter culminating in the death of Lyra McKee is discernible.… Continue reading 2 Bank Holiday Weekends, 2 Banners-Just Politics?

Envy of Meticulous Oral Communication-Is It Too Late to Learn?

I envy the individual who, without the need for coarse or vulgar or oversimplified language, or the need for vocal stumbling and stuttering and ums and ahs and vocal fry, can fully articulate his views on a topic about which he feels strongly. For example, if I tried to explain my opinion of how odious… Continue reading Envy of Meticulous Oral Communication-Is It Too Late to Learn?

Fantasising About Words

From time to time I fantasise about writing blog posts in the style of Dickens or Tolstoy or Dostoevsky. I write a good deal of content for consumption by people on the internet who have limited, and narrowing, attention spans. To counter this I have employed a technique which writers for the internet, bloggers, and… Continue reading Fantasising About Words

Feeding the Birds-a 5 Minute Story Out of the Ordinary

Using story is one of the most effective ways of communicating and persuading. A story can be as short as 3 seconds, or as long as a lifetime. The video below is a 5-minute story and you will probably recognise the 3 “acts” or “stages” in it. Making this video is the product of a… Continue reading Feeding the Birds-a 5 Minute Story Out of the Ordinary

Lawyers Persuading with Effective Word Pictures (and What You Can Learn)

If I was accused of murder I would hate to see Michael Bowman SC prosecuting me. Although if I had Bernard Condon SC defending my chances of acquittal would be greatly enhanced. My attention has been arrested by the word pictures these two men have been painting for the jury this week in the Patrick… Continue reading Lawyers Persuading with Effective Word Pictures (and What You Can Learn)

“The Art of Marketing Your Services Business Online: How to Get New Clients With a Proven, Inexpensive 5 Part Digital Marketing Strategy”-Update in the Pipeline

I was delighted when I checked the latest reviews of my books for sale on Amazon and Kindle. Reviews, especially bad ones, can break a book’s life; no reviews at all are not helpful either and it is challenging to get readers to leave a review. I have 6 titles for sale which can be… Continue reading “The Art of Marketing Your Services Business Online: How to Get New Clients With a Proven, Inexpensive 5 Part Digital Marketing Strategy”-Update in the Pipeline

The 1 Thing I Have Learned from Losing 3.5 Stone

From August 2018 to date, April 2019, I have lost 3.5 stone weight.  And the most important thing I have learned from the exercise has not been about the food I eat or the exercise I take. No, these things are important, alright, but they are not the most important thing. The most important thing… Continue reading The 1 Thing I Have Learned from Losing 3.5 Stone

The Danger of Overreliance on 1 Online Platform

I have written before about the stunning effectiveness of YouTube and Facebook advertising, provided it is done correctly. There is a tremendous danger, however, in putting all your eggs in one basket. Recently I met a young woman whose entire business-surprisingly successful-was based on the popularity of her Facebook page and Facebook advertising. When she… Continue reading The Danger of Overreliance on 1 Online Platform