Chipping Away at the Rule of Law-When the Stream Becomes a River

The threat of lawlessness that is featuring in the news now with renewed threats on executives working in the former Sean Quinn group of companies along the border is, finally, being taken seriously. About time, too. The Taoiseach, the Government, an Garda Siochana, the PSNI appear to be stepping up their efforts to bring to… Continue reading Chipping Away at the Rule of Law-When the Stream Becomes a River

Does writing every day help you improve your writing?

The predictable advice to anyone seeking to improve their writing is to read and write with regularity. Reading is easy to do but writing every day, which is the recommendation to hone your craft, is much more difficult. There are two problems with this approach, I believe: having subject matter to write about each day… Continue reading Does writing every day help you improve your writing?

Sourdough and a Short Séamus Heaney Film

I made my first 100% rye sourdough loaf yesterday, and it turned out pretty well. The recipe is from a YouTube video I saw by Patrick Ryan of Firehouse Bakery. It was the stickiest, messiest dough I have ever worked with, however. Next time I will need to be psychologically prepared and suitably worked up… Continue reading Sourdough and a Short Séamus Heaney Film