I spend a lot of time thinking about telling better stories in my videos. Telling good stories gives any small business owner or entrepreneur a massive advantage over competitors. And so, I spend a lot of time thinking how I can better use and incorporate story in the videos I create for my YouTube channel,… Continue reading The unfair advantage of telling better stories
Category: Storytelling
How influential is the back story?
I’m visiting a horseracing stables this morning as part of an open morning initiative by a body promoting the racehorse ownership in Ireland. I am visiting Gavin Cromwell’s yard in Navan and am looking forward to it. The morning session is scheduled to last three hours and we get to see the horses galloping, ask… Continue reading How influential is the back story?
Practicing and gaining experience with the camera
Sometimes I will make a video just to get the practice of using the camera. Using the camera might seem like an easy thing to do-just point and shoot-but you need to be pointing and shooting in the right direction and from different perspectives to make things interesting for the viewer. And that choice of… Continue reading Practicing and gaining experience with the camera
The countryside comes alive from the seat of a Vespa
I’ve been out and about pretty much every day on my Vespa scooter since it was delivered. I have been mainly travelling the back roads around my home. I have never ridden a scooter or motorbike before, so I thought it sensible to spend some time getting used to riding a scooter. I am thoroughly… Continue reading The countryside comes alive from the seat of a Vespa
Storytelling-the final part in the communication jigsaw
The final part in the jigsaw of superb communication is storytelling. Remember, communication starts with a paradigm shift of recognising that communication is not about what you want to say, but about what your audience, no matter how large or small, needs to hear. To ascertain what they need to hear you engage in active,… Continue reading Storytelling-the final part in the communication jigsaw
Persuasion-the fundamentals
Persuasion is not about manipulation. It is about leading the other to arrive at a decision which they recognise as beneficial for them, or at least the right decision in the circumstances. Aristotle wrote a seminal work about persuasion and identified three elements to persuade: I have written previously about Aristotle and persuasion.
I have been amazed by the service from DJI getting a replacement drone
I availed of the DJI insurance scheme last week and have been bowled over by the service from DJI. The first drone I bought was lost in the river Boyne in December 2022. When I bought a replacement, I also availed of the DJI insurance cover scheme. This gives me two replacement drones in a… Continue reading I have been amazed by the service from DJI getting a replacement drone
Crashing my drone and recognising the story opportunity
I wrote a few short weeks ago about buying a drone. I then published a video on my YouTube channel covering the same topic. But no sooner had I hit the publish button when I crashed and lost the drone in the River Boyne. I wrote about this yesterday on this blog. I was tremendously… Continue reading Crashing my drone and recognising the story opportunity
Vlogging and storytelling
I’m fascinated with this idea of making better vlogs using storytelling. Finding a story that is interesting or entertaining or which will hook and retain a viewer in one’s ordinary, everyday life. There must be a story, no matter how trivial or apparently inconsequential. And I want it to have 3 acts, as in the… Continue reading Vlogging and storytelling
A day in the life type vlog
I am doing a “day in the life” type vlog today. I am interested in the whole area of vlogging and creating content out of the daily happenings in life. Regardless of whether that is my life or somebody else’s I am fascinated by the idea of building brand, building relationships out of the mundane,… Continue reading A day in the life type vlog