My first no talking, document my life type video

I will be publishing my first long form, no talking, video soon. It will have video footage, music and subtitles. It is a ‘day in the life’ type video and I am interested to see how it is received. I have tried and experimented with many different types of videos on my YouTube channel, but… Continue reading My first no talking, document my life type video

House prices and the logical conclusion of the Davy Stockbrokers report

Even those with the most tenuous understanding of economics should understand what the Davy report on the housing shortage means, especially in relation to house prices. Davy Stockbrokers report estimates that the State will need 93,000 new houses per year to keep up with demand. But in 2024 only 30,000 homes were builit. And the… Continue reading House prices and the logical conclusion of the Davy Stockbrokers report

I have relaunched my investing in shares online course

I have relaunched my course about investing in shares. You can check it out here. I believe it is a good introductory course if you are interested in investing in shares and is delivered by online video. There are 21 videos in total covering topics such as how I pick shares, the Davy and DeGiro… Continue reading I have relaunched my investing in shares online course

One of the most important skills of cross examining a lay litigant

One of the most important skills in the cross examination of a witness is the ability to recognise when to press and when to back off. This is especially important in a forum like the WRC (Workplace Relations Commission) where you are likely to encounter lay litigants conducting their own case. You may well be… Continue reading One of the most important skills of cross examining a lay litigant

Surprise at the number of comments criticising enforcement of the planning laws

I published a video yesterday about Dublin City Council prosecuting a family who had carried out an unauthorised development (an attic conversion) on a home in Phibsboro. I am surprised about the number of comments criticising the planning authority and their decision to enforce the planning laws. I do accept, however, that there may be… Continue reading Surprise at the number of comments criticising enforcement of the planning laws