2 Books That Could Change Your Life

I read and listen to a large number of books on a monthly and yearly basis. Some are eminently forgettable, some are average, and a small few can change your life. I’ve read two such books in the last year or so. Both, coincidentally, were written by psychiatrists and both of them give the same… Continue reading 2 Books That Could Change Your Life

Where Have All the Gatekeepers Gone?

Not too long ago if you wanted to write and publish a book you had to get a publisher. The publisher, if he approved, would get your book into the bookshop. He was the gatekeeper. Now? You don’t need a publisher because you can do it yourself with Amazon. Here’s my Amazon author page, for… Continue reading Where Have All the Gatekeepers Gone?

YouTube Advertising-Are You Using This Stunningly Cost Effective Digital Marketing Channel?

If you are not using YouTube advertising for your business you are missing a great opportunity. It is incredibly cost effective and I am getting video views for all my campaigns at 1 cent per view and, for some, much less than that. For example my “Residential Property” campaign has delivered 1,491 views over the… Continue reading YouTube Advertising-Are You Using This Stunningly Cost Effective Digital Marketing Channel?

Athens Greece, 2018-Observations, Things to Do and Places to Visit in Athens

The first thing that struck me coming into Athens from the airport was the graffiti. It was everywhere: walls, shop fronts, roller shutters, the sides of buildings, on columns, gates, anywhere you cared to look. After a few days you stop noticing it and take it for granted because that’s how it is in Athens;… Continue reading Athens Greece, 2018-Observations, Things to Do and Places to Visit in Athens