Sourdough starter-the art and science

The secret to great sourdough bread is your starter. I think anyone who makes sourdough bread will agree with me and you cannot spend too much time getting your starter ready to perform. I have two starters: one is from Neven Maguire’s book, “Home Economics for Life”, and is made up of strong white flour,… Continue reading Sourdough starter-the art and science

My brown soda loaf-a staple in my diet

Twice or three times a week I bake the brown soda loaf you see on this page. It is Neven Maguire’s recipe from a book of his which I was gifted one Christmas. The book is called “Home Economics for Life” and I believe my wife, Sally, gave me the book in an ambitious attempt… Continue reading My brown soda loaf-a staple in my diet

What I Baked at the Weekend (and the most important ingredient)

I was busy at the weekend-baking. In this post I will review what I baked, what worked, what didn’t work.  Firstly, though, where do I get the recipes? I have been baking for about 12-18 months now, I believe, and am beginning to become more ambitious and broaden my horizons with different recipes. I received… Continue reading What I Baked at the Weekend (and the most important ingredient)

Making bread-therapeutic and fascinating

I’ve always been a bread man. It has been a lifelong love affair. In the last few months I have begun to bake bread. And I am getting great enjoyment out of both making, and consuming, my bread. There is something ancient and timeless about bread. You can go back to the bible and the… Continue reading Making bread-therapeutic and fascinating

Brown Bread

I received a gift of a new Neven Maguire book at Christmas, “Neven Maguire’s Home Economics for Life: The 50 Recipes You Need to Learn” and took it as a hint that I was to finally get my act together in the kitchen. And so with prodigious enthusiasm, not to mention a tremendous and violent… Continue reading Brown Bread