A girl/woman tweeted the following on Twitter yesterday: “Vogue Williams will forever be that bird who hooked up with that fat fella from Westlife to me.” I have no strong feelings about Vogue Williams one way or another. In fact, I only know her as the woman from an advertisement on the television with one… Continue reading Is it alright to describe women as “birds” again?
Category: Society
“RTE-the controlling liberal left establishment”
I published a video this week on my YouTube channel about the documentary series, “Quinn Country”, the programme about Seán Quinn’s spectacular rise and equally spectacular fall. The overwhelming opinion, as evidenced from the number of likes and comments underneath the video, was that Seán Quinn was the architect of his own downfall. But there… Continue reading “RTE-the controlling liberal left establishment”
Self-censoring my own video
I have made a video about the “Quinn Country” documentary series that was shown last week on RTE television. Most of my videos are “talking head” type videos. They are easy and fast to make once you have an opinion or something to say. And I usually have an opinion. Just like other folk. Because… Continue reading Self-censoring my own video
Misappropriation of the tricolour
It’s sad to see so many social media users on various platforms sporting an Irish tricolour and spouting such narrow minded, racist, hate filled views. Of course, not all tricolour brandishing accounts have extreme, right-wing views. But a disproportionate number of individuals appear to associate patriotism and the tricolour and “keeping Ireland for the Irish”.… Continue reading Misappropriation of the tricolour
“Quinn Country”-a story worth telling
The “Quinn Country” three-part documentary finished last night on RTE1. I thought it was a tremendous film cum documentary which was well worth making and broadcasting, notwithstanding the criticism from some on Twitter who questioned RTE’s decision to allow Quinn so much airtime to tell his story. That criticism was most voluble after episode 1… Continue reading “Quinn Country”-a story worth telling
“Quinn Country”-a couple of observations
Watching Quinn Country for the last couple of days a couple of things have struck me. The first is how successful Quinn was in building the businesses he bult in the location he built them. It appeared to be a truly remarkable achievement. The second thing is the childish desire for Quinn, having bet the… Continue reading “Quinn Country”-a couple of observations
Doc Martens at the graduation ceremony
One thing which struck me at the graduation ceremony in University College Galway, (or NUI Galway), today was the style of clothing worn by the young graduands. So many young women wore Doc Martens and it struck me that it showed a great deal of confidence, a streak of individuality, and a reluctance to be… Continue reading Doc Martens at the graduation ceremony
Children are “all plague and no profit”
Children are “all plague and no profit”. That is the view of the doctor in the Victorian novel I am listening to at the moment, “Ruth” by Elizabeth Gaskell. It is only a novel but I am sure that that is a view that may have been held by many Victorians. Working class people in… Continue reading Children are “all plague and no profit”
The effects of Trump politics in Irish society
It’s sad and frustrating to see the influence of “Trump politics” in Irish society over the last few years. Perhaps it is my imagination or misconception, but it seems to me, from comments on social media platforms online and protests like those going on in East Wall in Dublin concerning the use of a disused… Continue reading The effects of Trump politics in Irish society
Distinguishing voices worth listening to versus the parroting of the same view
When you are reading about or researching a particular topic it is often the case that the opinions and views you will encounter are so similar as to be the same opinion. You may have opposing views or opinions, but the views in each camp tend to be virtually identical to one another. Occasionally you… Continue reading Distinguishing voices worth listening to versus the parroting of the same view