Simple solutions to complex problems-Sinn Féin’s impressive social media activity

Listening to the radio yesterday morning-the Brendan O’Connor show-a panellist commented that Sinn Féin’s social media work was immensely effective and impressive as it sells the story that there are simple solutions to complex problems. And this simple story, so easy to understand, is being gobbled up by younger generations who are behind the surge… Continue reading Simple solutions to complex problems-Sinn Féin’s impressive social media activity

Trump’s arrest and arraignment-the image lingers

Former President of the United States Donald Trump was arrested yesterday and arraigned in respect of thirty odd criminal offences. The criminal charges include misuse of company funds or failing to maintain proper books of account or charges of that nature regarding his companies, and paying hush money to two women with whom he is… Continue reading Trump’s arrest and arraignment-the image lingers

I watched this video and thought of Enoch Burke and his supporters

I watched a commencement speech yesterday and thought of Enoch Burke and his supporters. It was by Emmanuel Faber, a director in Danone, and concerned his relationship with his schizophrenic brother. The speech is about 9 minutes long and the first half is in French, the second in English. Don’t let that put you off.… Continue reading I watched this video and thought of Enoch Burke and his supporters

Michelangelo’s David too pornographic for School Board in Florida- Principal forced to resign

Parents in a school in Tallahassee in Florida complained about their students being exposed to the iconic image of David by Michelangelo from the 16th century. And the Floridian equivalent of the Board of Management of the school forced the Principal to resign or be fired. The parents of the Christian school in the state… Continue reading Michelangelo’s David too pornographic for School Board in Florida- Principal forced to resign

Far right grudge bearers in Mullingar

It is shocking to read this morning of the so-called protests in Mullingar of what I describe as far right grudge bearers. The protest was ostensibly about “undocumented migrants”, or whatever is the latest, most racist catchphrase they are using, being housed in an army barracks in Mullingar. Gardai were called and needed. Mullingar is… Continue reading Far right grudge bearers in Mullingar

Fr Cremin, Carmelite College, Moate and more allegations of child abuse

There is another report in the Irish Times today about Fr. Michael Cremin, the top man in Carmelite College, Moate back when I was in secondary school, containing allegations about Cremin being a paedophile and child abuser. There are more men coming forward to tell their sad story of alleged abuse. Cremin managed the Carmelite… Continue reading Fr Cremin, Carmelite College, Moate and more allegations of child abuse

The Admiralty law pseudo legal conspiracy theory nonsense

A commenter left a comment on my YouTube channel containing some advice for Ammi Burke and Enoch Burke in their legal challenges. He suggested that if they were familiar with Admiralty law they could easily resolve their legal difficulties. I have seen this Admiralty law nonsense mentioned more than once online so I thought I… Continue reading The Admiralty law pseudo legal conspiracy theory nonsense

The problem with citizen journalism

Citizen journalism seems like a “good thing”. And there is no doubt that individuals with a mobile phone have changed the way we view the world, and have contributed significantly to the pulling back of curtains to permit a look at nefarious political regimes around the world. Citizen journalism has also helped greatly in shining… Continue reading The problem with citizen journalism