The unnoticed, unheralded data that gives me quiet satisfaction

Any outside looking into a small business like mine would have a hard time figuring out the type of data or analytics that gives me warm feeling and sense of satisfaction. In fact, an onlooker would probably not have a clue. Take the number of followers I have on Spotify for my podcast, the Irish… Continue reading The unnoticed, unheralded data that gives me quiet satisfaction

The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast-maximum use of repurposing content

My podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, continues to grow strongly. The number of listens per episode, which I check every day on Spotify, continues to increase, along with the number of subscribers/followers. The reviews on both Spotify and iTunes are uniformly positive. The great thing about this growth is it is all… Continue reading The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast-maximum use of repurposing content

A podcast worth listening to: “Empire”

It is understandable, given the ease with which you can start and publish a podcast nowadays, that the quality varies widely between top quality and pure rubbish. The vast majority of podcasts would probably fall into the second category. But occasionally you come across an absolute gem. I have started listening to one such high… Continue reading A podcast worth listening to: “Empire”

Fascinating podcast episode with Jackie Tyrrell (9 All Irelands) worth a listen

I’m listening to a superb podcast episode of The GAA Social at the moment. It is an interview with the great Jackie Tyrrell, winner of 9 All-Ireland hurling medals with Kilkenny. Tyrrell’s obsession with hurling, his commitment, Brian Cody’s management methods, stories of Tommy Walsh and Henry Shefflin rolling around on the ground in training,… Continue reading Fascinating podcast episode with Jackie Tyrrell (9 All Irelands) worth a listen

The most pleasing thing about these podcast stats

One stat that I always notice when I log into my Spotify account for my podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, is the average number of listens per episode. This figure was at 72 or thereabouts for a long time. And I was happy with this figure. Now, however, the figure has increased… Continue reading The most pleasing thing about these podcast stats

This comment on Spotify warms my heart

I don’t receive too many comments on Spotify in relation to my podcast, “The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast”. But one I received this morning has given me a great deal of satisfaction as it provides the raison d’etre for podcasting. This comment: Great coverage, I am not a great one for reading 😊… Continue reading This comment on Spotify warms my heart

Is your podcast or TikTok account best?

I published a video yesterday about the value of making a podcast for a small business owner, and I referred to my own podcast, The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, in the video. A commenter asked me which was better for me and my business, my podcast or my TikTok account where I currently… Continue reading Is your podcast or TikTok account best?

Audio only podcasts?

I am pleasantly surprised by how well my audio only podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, is doing on YouTube podcasts. When you think about it, however, you quickly realise that the type of video I make-the “talking head” type video-is ideal for audio only podcast episodes. It is not as if you… Continue reading Audio only podcasts?

Podcast growth one idea/observation/nugget at a time

I was in two minds a few weeks ago about having my podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, on YouTube as an audio only podcast. But it is working out well and I am getting satisfactory listening figures and new subscribers from YouTube. The podcast is growing tremendously on Spotify, too, as I… Continue reading Podcast growth one idea/observation/nugget at a time

Podcasts on YouTube

Did you know that YouTube have got into podcasting in the last year or two? And not just video podcasts, but regular audio podcasts. I submit the RSS feed from my podcast, “The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast”, from Spotify/Anchor to YouTube. The results have been pleasantly surprising. Because YouTube seems to be finding… Continue reading Podcasts on YouTube