I must consider, from time to time, whether my time spent writing on this blog is a good use of my time. Things have changed quite a good deal from a few short years ago when the written word online still had some power. Now, effective online marketing is all about video. Therefore, if one… Continue reading Daily blogging-is it worth it in 2025?
Tag: blogging
Daily blogging under constant review
When I started writing a blog post on this blog a few years ago it was with a view to becoming a better writer from the act of repetition and practice. Over time other benefits became apparent. For example, the act of writing something out and turning it over on a page with words helped… Continue reading Daily blogging under constant review
The task of writing a daily blog post
The task I have set myself, which has become a daily routine for years now, of writing a blog post on this blog every day can be a pain in the butt. But when I am faced, at 5.30 am, with a blank Word document and a blinking cursor I am forced to think about… Continue reading The task of writing a daily blog post
Writing every day-sometimes it is hard
Writing a blog post on this website, a commitment I made on 31st January 2022 has not been as difficult as I expected when I started out. Yes, some days have been difficult. On those days I simply cannot think of anything to share or write about. This does not happen often. But it does… Continue reading Writing every day-sometimes it is hard
An unforeseen benefit of writing a blog post every day
One of the unforeseen benefits of writing on this blog every day is the source material my observations make for videos. I had never seen the connection when I started out writing on this blog, with a goal to do so every day. I have managed that for quite some time now. But I never… Continue reading An unforeseen benefit of writing a blog post every day
Podcasting versus blogging-which should you choose in 2024?
I saw a short video yesterday by Neil Patel, a man whose expertise in online marketing is not surpassed by many. He has been a strong advocate and champion of content marketing and blogging for years. But in the video yesterday he was advising that you should now start a podcast as opposed to a… Continue reading Podcasting versus blogging-which should you choose in 2024?
Your own publishing company to enhance your business
“Do you not run out of topics to make videos about?” That was the question one of my employees asked me a few years ago when she discovered I had a YouTube channel. You could pose the same question in relation to my websites/blogs which cover legal and business topics. The answer is “no”, you… Continue reading Your own publishing company to enhance your business
The mental health benefits of blogging
I am firmly convinced that blogging has significant mental health benefits. In the same way that a diary years ago provided a secret, sacred place for a person to unload what was on their mind a blog can provide a similar benefit nowadays. You never would have published your diary and it would have been… Continue reading The mental health benefits of blogging
The 2 most important tools in the development of my business
I was just thinking this morning about the two most important tools in the growth of my solicitor’s practice since I qualified and started my practice in 2011. I cannot separate them because there is an element of chicken and egg about them. But the two most instrumental tools or spheres of activity have been… Continue reading The 2 most important tools in the development of my business
The independence of blogging
Blogging in 2019 probably appears to many as old fashioned and something whose ship has sailed. But nothing could be further from the truth. There is a tremendous amount to be gained from blogging and writing regularly, even if it is only to force the writer to assemble his/her thoughts. But the benefits go far… Continue reading The independence of blogging