I bought a Vespa scooter a few weeks ago when I was attending a Certificate course at the Law Society in Immigration Law. And it was delivered yesterday. I bought it in Scooter Island on the Quays, a short walk from the Law Society at Blackhall Place. It is a 50 cc 2009 model with… Continue reading My Vespa was delivered yesterday
Category: Society
The hidden infrastructure constraints to the Irish economy
Cliff Taylor’s opinion piece in the Irish Times over the weekend is interesting. He refers to two hidden infrastructure constraints which pose, and continue to pose, a problem for the growth of the Irish economy over the next few decades. These barriers to growth are the availability of power and water in sufficient quantities in the right… Continue reading The hidden infrastructure constraints to the Irish economy
Slogans and sound bites online-I blame Trump
A common feature of the comments you will read on the various online sites such as TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. is the use of slogans and mantras to spread misinformation, disinformation, falsehoods, lies, myths. It is as if these individuals all crawled out from under the same rock and decided on a form… Continue reading Slogans and sound bites online-I blame Trump
We climbed the Great Sugar Loaf
It was my birthday yesterday and we climbed the Great Sugar Loaf in Wicklow. It was great fun and rewarded us with tremendous views from the top when we got there. It was extremely windy, and this presented one of the biggest difficulties of the climb. It is gentle enough to begin with and then… Continue reading We climbed the Great Sugar Loaf
Why don’t the protestors talk plain for once?
It’s stomach churning when protestors or supporters are interviewed by the much despised, so-called mainstream media-for example RTE news reporters. The talking out both sides of the mouth and with forked tongues would be laughable if not so serious. It would be tremendously refreshing for a person to say, “we don’t want strangers around here,… Continue reading Why don’t the protestors talk plain for once?
Will the State succeed in countering misinformation around asylum seekers?
It was reported yesterday evening on the RTE news that the government is to commence a campaign of communication to try to counter the misinformation and disinformation around the question of accommodating asylum seekers. It is a campaign which I will watch with a great deal of interest. It seems to me that government will… Continue reading Will the State succeed in countering misinformation around asylum seekers?
I’m getting better at ignoring the comments
I’m getting better at ignoring the knuckle dragger comments. You know the ones-the homophobes, transphobes, bigots, racists, misogynists, the violently disgruntled, chips on both shoulders’ guys and gals. The ones bleating on about Ireland being a corrupt, failed State, the judiciary being corrupt, all politicians being on the take, yada yada yada. Occasionally I slip.… Continue reading I’m getting better at ignoring the comments
Looking under the bonnet of my video about the immigration issue
I published a video last week on my YouTube channel which touched upon the question of immigration to Ireland. It has generated a significant amount of comment and if you were to read through the comments you might (wrongly) conclude that the Irish people were opposed to housing asylum seekers. But if you look under… Continue reading Looking under the bonnet of my video about the immigration issue
The misinformation and disinformation problem
Anyone who spends even a small bit of time online on any of the social media platforms will quickly see the quantity of misinformation and disinformation being spread. Whether it is to do with migration or legal issues or covid or vaccines, the confidence and vehemence with which certain individuals spread falsehoods is a sight… Continue reading The misinformation and disinformation problem
I was 24 hours away from being an “unvetted male” myself
It’s profoundly saddening to see the misinformation, disinformation, falsehoods and lies being spread all over the country about migration, voluntary and involuntary. To see decent people being manipulated to the point where buildings earmarked for homeless or immigrants/asylum seekers being burned to the ground is something I never thought I would see in Ireland. But… Continue reading I was 24 hours away from being an “unvetted male” myself