The greatest satisfaction comes from the little, unexpected moments

Did you ever notice that the things that give you the most pleasure in life come out of the blue and could be described as little, unassuming things? Not the big hullabaloo associated with winning a championship or getting fantastic results in exams but something unexpected that just gives you a sense of quiet satisfaction.… Continue reading The greatest satisfaction comes from the little, unexpected moments

Writing is thinking-Zettelkasten confirms what I have always believed

I have been a firm believer for a long time now in the idea that “writing is thinking”. And now that I have stumbled upon the Zettelaksten method of knowledge management I note that a central principle of this system is the idea that writing is thinking, and the writing of your own permanent notes… Continue reading Writing is thinking-Zettelkasten confirms what I have always believed

Extracting the maximum from reading non-fiction books-Smart note taking

If you are anything like me and read a lot of books-fiction and non fiction-you will find that even though you understand and agree and nod along when you are reading you may struggle to retain or recall much of the material later on. This is a real shame. It means that you may well… Continue reading Extracting the maximum from reading non-fiction books-Smart note taking

Zettelkasten-the “slip-box” system for smart note taking and knowledge management

I went down a Zettelkasten rabbit hole at the weekend. Zettelkasten translates from the German to “slip box”. The Zettelkasten system is a method of note taking that allows you to gain the maximum benefit from your thoughts, the books you read, articles and videos you consume, and so on. It was invented by a… Continue reading Zettelkasten-the “slip-box” system for smart note taking and knowledge management

Leaving your routine-mentally resetting is a vital benefit

We were away for a couple of days in Cork in the last few days. As much as I am committed to, and reliant on, my daily routine I believe there is an important benefit of being taken out of your regular routine, your accustomed course. What happens is you notice that your world, or… Continue reading Leaving your routine-mentally resetting is a vital benefit

Combining two interests: baking and photography

I baked some sourdough bread with black and green olives this morning. Look at the photographs below. It turned out well and I am looking forward to getting stuck into the bread when it cools down. Taking photographs of bread that I bake allows me to combine two interests of mine: baking and photography. I… Continue reading Combining two interests: baking and photography

Developing a practice or daily habit

Listening to the Akimbo podcast yesterday, while I cut the grass around the house, Seth Godin was speaking again about developing a practice. He has written a book, I believe, called “The Practice”. It is about showing up every day and committing to developing a positive habit or practice in your life. He made the… Continue reading Developing a practice or daily habit

Living safely is dangerous-Nietzsche. Why?

I came across a video on YouTube last week by Conor Neill with the title “Redefining failure-living safely is dangerous”. Conor Neill’s YouTube channel is one I am subscribed to and he always publishes thought provoking videos and blog posts. They are well worth checking out. I was intrigued by this idea that living safely… Continue reading Living safely is dangerous-Nietzsche. Why?

Hyperfocus-How to Work Less and Achieve More by Chris Bailey Reviewed

Hyperfocus-How to Work Less and Achieve More by Chris Bailey-I have just finished this book having spent 2/3 days reading and taking notes. The book is divided into two broad sections covering Hyperfocus Scatterfocus Hyperfocus is directing your attention on something external whereas scatterfocus is letting your mind wander and directing your attention inward, connecting… Continue reading Hyperfocus-How to Work Less and Achieve More by Chris Bailey Reviewed