Mask discrimination cases at the WRC, professional representation and personal views

I have published a new video on my YouTube channel this morning. It is about a man who brought a case of discrimination to the Workplace Relations Commission claiming he was discriminated against as he was excluded from a hardware store in Galway. He claimed he was exempt from the requirement to wear a mask.… Continue reading Mask discrimination cases at the WRC, professional representation and personal views

A valuable reminder from the Michael Lynn €27m theft trial about cross-examination

I am keeping an eye on the media reports about the Michael Lynn trial in the criminal courts going on at the moment. Lynn is a former solicitor, now struck off, who is accused of the theft of approximately €27 million from various banks. He was heavily involved in property development and investment at the… Continue reading A valuable reminder from the Michael Lynn €27m theft trial about cross-examination

Employers needlessly losing unfair dismissal case

One of the recurrent themes in successful unfair dismissal claims by employees is the matter of fair procedures and process. A large number of cases are lost by employers not on account of a want of justification for the dismissal. But as a consequence of failing to apply proper, or any, procedures in the process… Continue reading Employers needlessly losing unfair dismissal case

Undermining your solicitor when buying property

If you are buying a property you need to be careful about undermining your solicitor in the pre-contract stage. Your solicitor may be looking to reach agreement with the vendor’s solicitor about the insertion of a special condition in the contract. This special condition is not being requested simply as some form of ritual or… Continue reading Undermining your solicitor when buying property

How to deal with expert witnesses in court or tribunals

When you are dealing with expert witnesses in court you ought to use the language of the expert witness. This will involve reading the expert report(s) carefully, using a dictionary if necessary, and understanding what’s written. If there are two expert reports, one for each party to the litigation, it may well be the case… Continue reading How to deal with expert witnesses in court or tribunals

Closing submission or speech is 100% about persuasion 

The closing submission or speech in a hearing is all about persuasion. It is not about facts, but about comment. 80% comment, 20% facts. It is about explaining why you should win based on the facts that have been established. Always write out your closing submission. Not every word, necessarily, but consider each sentence. Do… Continue reading Closing submission or speech is 100% about persuasion 

Witnesses, examination in chief and 9 rules for cross examination

Always treat witnesses with respect and politeness. Your questions should be Short Seek 1 fact at a time Remember that: 1 question, 1 fact. Always. Don’t be embarrassed by silence. Don’t go “um”, “arh” etc. Don’t say “ok” or “right” to the answers. Don’t use fill-ins like “and” or “so”. 1 question, 1 fact. Cross… Continue reading Witnesses, examination in chief and 9 rules for cross examination