Evidence and one of the skills of the legal professional

One of the things I encounter regularly when preparing for a WRC hearing is my client sending me irrelevant, unhelpful information which they believe is evidence. Often, if I was to introduce this so-called evidence it would damage my client’s case. The distinguishing feature between a good legal professional when it comes to the presentation… Continue reading Evidence and one of the skills of the legal professional

Self-representing employees and imminent WRC hearings

I am frequently contacted by employees who have submitted a Workplace Relations Commission claim and the hearing is imminent. They are looking for representation and/or advice. It’s too late from my perspective, and I cannot help them. Getting ready for a WRC hearing is a time consuming and demanding task. It involves the preparation of… Continue reading Self-representing employees and imminent WRC hearings

The most demanding part of a WRC hearing

The most demanding part of a WRC hearing, if you are acting for a client or even arguing your own case, is listening to the evidence of the opposing witness(es). There are many parts of the hearing, including your submission and your direct examination of your own client(s), that can be prepared in advance. But… Continue reading The most demanding part of a WRC hearing

Mount Street, Ireland, 2024

It’s only when you walk up Mount Street that it strikes you. The tents. Tents everywhere. On the footpath, in all the side streets, near the International Protection Office. I was walking out to the Workplace Relations Commission in Ballsbridge yesterday and walked past these tents. It is hard to believe this has been allowed… Continue reading Mount Street, Ireland, 2024

Attending WRC hearings in person-a rethink is in order?

Today is day 2 of a WRC hearing I am involved in, the first day having taken place back in June 2023. It is possible that it will go for a further day after day but I certainly hope not. I am beginning to consider carefully the wisdom and cost effectiveness of me personally running… Continue reading Attending WRC hearings in person-a rethink is in order?

Jack & Jones ordered to stop blanket ban on a legal entitlement for employees

I republished an old video of mine about the right to be paid a Sunday premium for working on Sunday a few days ago. A commenter commented “isn’t that law in force for years?” I agreed that it was as it is provided for in the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 but it was… Continue reading Jack & Jones ordered to stop blanket ban on a legal entitlement for employees

Letting emotions influence legal disputes-avoid this mistake

When emotions detrimentally influence legal disputes and rows it is usually the employee who is too invested in the dispute to make cool, rational, sensible decisions concerning their issue or problem. Usually.  Occasionally, however, you come across an employer who is too emotionally invested to do the right thing. He or she will be an… Continue reading Letting emotions influence legal disputes-avoid this mistake

Instructing a solicitor? Give him/her the full and complete story

If you are going to engage the services of a solicitor in a legal dispute-for example an employment matter which will be dealt with by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)-make sure you give your solicitor all the facts. Good and bad. Full and complete instructions. Before the hearing. Preferably long before the hearing. The time… Continue reading Instructing a solicitor? Give him/her the full and complete story