Instructing a solicitor? Give him/her the full and complete story

If you are going to engage the services of a solicitor in a legal dispute-for example an employment matter which will be dealt with by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)-make sure you give your solicitor all the facts. Good and bad. Full and complete instructions. Before the hearing. Preferably long before the hearing. The time… Continue reading Instructing a solicitor? Give him/her the full and complete story

Holding your nerve when the mammoth submission lands

It happens quite often when you are representing an employee at a WRC hearing that the employer, who is your opponent, is represented by one of the leading law firms in the State. Call them ‘top 5’ or ‘top 10’ or give them a less complimentary designation such as ‘big swinging dick firms’, it is… Continue reading Holding your nerve when the mammoth submission lands

Day 3 of the WRC hearing-is this the best system for employment claims?

It looked like a straightforward unfair dismissal case. But today is the 3rd day of the WRC hearing. When you quote a person for your services for a WRC claim you do your best to give a competitive quotation. Some work out, some don’t. When a case goes on for three days, and you commit… Continue reading Day 3 of the WRC hearing-is this the best system for employment claims?