Reviving my podcast for 2022-going deep, not wide

In 2019 I started a podcast. I uploaded a number of episodes but other things in my business and life took my attention and precedence, and I neglected the podcast.

I am reviving it now and hoping to grow it into something of substantial value for me, my brand and my business in 2022. You can take a look at it on my Anchor page here.

I am genuinely excited about the potential for this project and the role a good podcast can play in any business.

One thing I am extremely conscious of now is the significant difference between building a big following on a platform like TikTok or other social media platform versus building a smaller, narrower fan base with whom you can have real connection.

That is what I am looking for in building this podcast. And the only way I will achieve success with my podcast is to deliver good quality content on a consistent basis.

This project is to TikTok as chalk is to cheese for I am looking to go deep with the podcast, whereas the TikTok short videos is all about going wide and gaining recognition fast for me, my brand and business.

I am using Garage Band software to edit my audio and the fact that I have a Mac at home, in the office, and a MacBook Pro should lead to learning the software quickly as I will be using the same programme consistently over all the devices.

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