Will the Enoch Burke circus recommence again in January?

Will the Enoch Burke circus recommence again in January when the schools reopen? Will he show up at Wilson’s Hospital School in contravention of the High Court order forbidding him from trespassing? Most people seem to think he will, and if past form is anything to go by it is likely. What is he achieving,… Continue reading Will the Enoch Burke circus recommence again in January?

Reminder to me about short, vertical videos

This blog post is a reminder to me to tap into the power of short, vertical videos in 2025. The power of such videos, for certain tasks and in particular circumstances, is immense. For example, on 25th December 2024 I published a short video which took a few minutes to make an upload to a… Continue reading Reminder to me about short, vertical videos

Daily blogging-is it worth it in 2025?

I must consider, from time to time, whether my time spent writing on this blog is a good use of my time. Things have changed quite a good deal from a few short years ago when the written word online still had some power. Now, effective online marketing is all about video. Therefore, if one… Continue reading Daily blogging-is it worth it in 2025?

The underrated value of communication

I have learned over the years about the value of communication and the ability to communicate well with whoever you are seeking to reach. With every year that passes I am even more convinced about the value of communication skills, especially in my profession as a solicitor. One of the constant criticisms I read and… Continue reading The underrated value of communication